Sunday, September 2, 2007

How to Wreck a Life - 10 Easy Steps

1. Fall in Love.
2. Get Married or ceremoniously attached (helps if you marry/ceremoniously attach to the person specified in #1).
3. Become a functional doormat. Just say "yes".
4. Run up a $50,000 + debt in an attempt to placate/support said person with cruises, hotels in the Bahamas, paying medical bills, and supplying funding for various habits like crack coccaine and alcohol.
5. Ditch your whole-life insurance policy to finance #4 above.
6. Sell off any additional assets you may own ala #4 above.
7. Watch patiently as person specified in #1 pawns and ditches your memories (some worth siginficant $) to support specified habits in #4 above.
8. Negledct to report disability paymets for person specified in #1 to IRS and CA Franchise Tax Board because "disability isn't taxable, silly".
9. Creditor phone calls: Ignore, Ignore, Ignore... (ignore, ignore - they actually do stop calling after awhile!)
10. Wait for person specified in #1 to file for divorce. Plan on having the opportunity to pay for their filing/court cost.


Kim said...

This is sad. I'm so sorry. Addictions -- I don't understand them. It's really very good you got out as I know you have your own problems and could use some support. Now that you're single, hopefully that right person will come along. Maybe it's too soon to suggest this after all you've been through?

Anonymous said...

Thanks KW. The good news is I haven't given up hope on relationships in general, but of course, I'm being very circumspect regarding my boundaries as I'm developing new friendships (and I am! - see the post from 9/8).

Addictions are the dark side of normal survival drives - they happen because those drives can be fooled by chemistry and/or behavioral excesses. That's also why they're so difficult to treat - we'd all die if we didn't have (the good) "survival addictions".