Saturday, September 22, 2007

Dangerous World - Life in the Singles Lane

Scammers are everywhere. Funny. The last place I would've thought to beware of a money con probably should have been the first place. Lonely singles, seeking their "other" on Singlesnet. The good news - I'm 48, and if you've read my other posts here, you know, I've been around the block and back again. I didn't get burned. But holy s**t, did I come close - and I worry for the next mark.

"all_about_love" was the screen name. Should have been "all_about_your_money". Sweet thing, theoretically female (I really don't know - can't know online), mom and dad both died early, all alone in "ghana" (Africa, for the geographically challenged). Understands my current plight completely (but honey, look at my blog, look at my blog, look at my blog - thank God, "she" apparently didn't, and didn't capture my e-mail address either).

Next day (YM chat) "she's" waiting. Been up all night, thinking about "something I want to discuss with you". Really? Gosh, one chat. When women want to have a "discussion," it's
usually serious. Uh, we ain't serious yet. :*)

Do tell. "You promised you would do absolutely anything to help me, right?"

Uh, [*really*], uh, no! Think... You must have been talking to someone else, but of course, I'm friendly, so if am *able* to help you with something, I'll surely try!

Now I can't even fully relate the rest of the "story"... It's so convoluted - but the upshot is that girlfriend needs up to $1300 in *cash* (US$) to secure $190,000 that *I* (theoretically) would get to manage, and "why don't you tell me how much can you help me with?"

Mind you, I've chatted with this person *once* before. We're already asking for money. This relationship is going well. :*) Anybody besides me smell a rat?

I called girlfriend's hand. I won't go into details here, but suffice it to say that there was nothing left to say ("she" got very silent in a hurry).

YM Friends List: all_about_love removed. Yahoo mail: removed. Interestingly, all_about_love Singlesnet: member does not exist. Naturally. I actually liked "her" after the 1st chat. That's how close it came.

Good thing I'm essentially broke anyway (one of the things I mentioned when I called the game - "...I'm not a good mark, honey").

Scammers are everywhere. Be careful people. They play on your weakness. Think you don't have one? Good luck to you.



Anonymous said...

Paul--I'm soooo sorry this happened. I'm glad you were so smart. Be very careful.


Anonymous said...

I'm also sorry it happened. I hope I never, ever have to do this kind of thing, again. I think, if I should by some draw, find myself single, that I would just stay that way. Glad you're being careful out there, Paul.
