Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Feng Shui Experience

OK, so every now and then I get the urge to blog, and it only happens, well, every now and then. :)

This coming weekend, I'll have a quite welcome guest in my house - my eldest sister, who may not know it, but she's been a guiding light to my mind and spirit. This is a special mission she's on - she's going to help me (begin) to "Feng Shui" the natural disaster of a triplex appartment I live in. It's a disaster for reasons you might guess from my earliest posts (it was our - my STBX and I - "living" quarters).

Now mind you, about Feng Shui, I know nada (in case you are in the same boat, here's a Wikipedia link for it: - and no, I haven't read the whole thing, because there's quite a bit to it!

You may wonder (I sure would) how I, Mr. Skeptica Ecclectia would go in for something as mystically based as Feng Shui, and I'll explain it to you easy: I like how it looks! The most fundamental principle in it involves "eliminating clutter" - and gawd, I should show you the pictures here (of my clutter)! So any philosophy that says reduce, clear, clean, lighten, and minimize, is OK in my book! Do I buy all the philosophical/mystical arguments? I don't *care* about all the philosophical/mystical arguments if this place can be made livable again! They can be true, they can be nonsense, but I'm the sort who will happily accept whatever works better than what I'm doing now. And I've seen the results of applying the Feng Shui principles to a living environment, and my beloved Committee for Skeptical Inquiry slap me silly, I *love* those results!

So Feng Shui it will be, and no doubt I'll become the guru of it eventually. :) I do think I'll put the "before" (I already took those in detail, as my sister needed them to get a "lay of the land") and "after" pics on this blog in a future post - so stay tuned!

LifeWrecked - out.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the feng Shui. once you get your clutter down, you can bring your expertise here to help mine ;)


Kim said...

I wish you would post more often. I LOVE the way you write! I don't know about Feng Shui. I've been looking at the book covers for yours and never cracked one open, but I'm intrigued by the idea of getting rid of clutter. My mission this year is to go through my own house room by room and shovel all the 20 years of accumulated crap out of it.
