Keychain Frog (KF) was never a tadpole. Not knowing his origin, he was about two inches long and one high, not counting the length of the chain growing out of his back, nor the length of his bright red curled up tongue - which he could never retract into his mouth, as he had none. His body was bold blue with yellow patches, all of which contained within them red splotches.
KF's first memory was of his bin at the register of the hardware store - he shared it with many other keychain animals, including other frogs of similar and different colorings. Consequently, KF didn't consider his existence to be particularly unexpected or significant.
As the chain in his back was a part of him from "birth" (though it carried no sensations), he rarely thought about it or its purpose in his life - that is, until the fateful day when he was plucked from his bin by a large creature who seemed either bent on eating him, or spinning him through the air on his chain - neither of which appealed to his fancy; though his life in the bin hadn't seemed all that fanciful either, so stoic acceptance was his watchword.
This all changed suddenly, when the creature produced the most stunning being KF had ever seen - nothing like his companions in the bin.
This being was about the same length and breadth as KF, but in it's third dimension (KF being quite portly in that one), this being was so thin, it almost could be said to not occupy its third dimension at all. The most stunning part about it, however was its coloring - KF had never experienced all of these colors on one being at once - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet, interspersed with a brilliant white. Furthermore the creature was broad at one third of its length, then abruptly much thinner, with an attractive jaggedness on one side and a perfectly straight edge on the other.
Summoning up all his courage and boldness, KF spoke to this being, and asked of it its name. "I am House Key (HK)" replied the creature. KF, not knowing either what a house was, nor a house key, assumed it was just a name, much like his own - which bore no meaning to him other than his identifying moniker (he had never asked, and hence never found out, that many others in his birth bin bore the same name as him).
In yet another surprise, the giant creature which had plucked KF from his nest then proceeded - through apparently great effort - to permanently fasten HK to the far end of KF's chain. As neither had a clue how to alter this situation, it appeared to both that they would be fused in this way for the rest of their lives (whatever that might mean).
Both KF and HK being of a stoic nature (HK would later relate to KF the story of her torture on a grinding wheel by the largest creature she had ever seen), they accepted their mutual fate, and as conflict would certainly be untenable in this situation, agreed to be friends, with mutual benevolence and altruism being their philosophy.
This accidental arrangement went very well for a time, and when the pair was placed in a strange, dark but warm place for great lengths of time, they kept each other company by whispering stories to each other. These stories came, unsurprisingly, not from vast experience (truth be told, they had little experience to relate), but from the imagination born of long days of silent waiting. Both agreed that this imagination was the best palliative for the loneliness of existence - for all who exist are lonely by definition of being separated from the vast consciousness which in fact dreamed them into their own forms. Thus did their shared philosophical discussions comfort them.
One day, in the middle of just such a conversation, KF and HK were together thrust into the daylight by the self-same creature who had originally fused them. Then a very strange and disturbing thing occurred. HK was quickly thrust into a small metal crevice - her thin end first - and as she hardly even fit, she screamed in agony as her jagged side scraped painfully on one side of the crevice, which was also jagged, but did give way, albeit grudgingly. Now an even greater torture was perpetrated, as the creature brutally twisted HK in this crevice by her wide end before finally jerking her out of the crevice again with the same painful, jagged motion.
KF, for his part, could only watch in horror as the tragedy unfolded. As they were together thrust back into their dark, warm place, KF wondered if HK would be the same, or would the shocking experience change her to her core?
"Are you alright?" KF asked with great concern. "Yes, I think so." said HK, "It was very scary and painful, but somehow I feel different now, and not entirely in a bad way."
"What do you mean by different?"
HK had to ponder for a moment.
"I feel... I feel like I know why I'm here - sort of - it's hard to explain... I feel somehow there's actually some purpose or meaning for my existence - but that meaning isn't inside of me, and I'm not sure I understand it completely."
"Do you mean you're meant to be tortured in that awful crevice? That doesn't sound like it has a useful purpose to me!"
"I know it doesn't make much sense, Keychain Frog, but it's a feeling I've got now. It's as if that huge creature was using me for something greater than I can understand. Something powerful and deep and profound. The pain I felt made it all the more real to me. I honestly can't explain it, but I've been touched by something truly awesome."
"All well and good," said KF, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "but where does that leave me?"
"I'm not sure, Keychain Frog, but I think - or I feel? - that the same is true for you - there's something greater that you're here for than just existing. You have a purpose - but you won't find it all in your imagination - there's something outside of you that needs your participation."
"What could I possibly be here for, House Key? All my life things have just happened! I was born, I know not how or why. I've been thrust here and there, without my control or consent. I know nothing of what may happen in my future, if I even have one! And yes, I can see that something about you has changed, but I'm not sure I have your confidence in it."
"That's OK, Keychain Frog, I won't force my new viewpoint on you - though I do think you'll discover it for yourself in time - after all, we're best friends, and so we shall remain."
"That is true, House Key, for better or worse, we're together - so for what it's worth, if you learn more about your purpose, or especially mine(!), please be sure to tell me."
"That I'll do gladly, Keychain Frog, and I don't think I'll be the one to define your purpose for you - after all, I'm not even sure what my own is! Your meaning will unfold for you alone, as we experience together our strange new existence. And don't worry about me - something in my experience just now told me that the pain is necessary if I am to learn."
And so it went between the two friends for a long time. They continued to share stories and imaginings, but HK's imaginings took on a new dimension that very much impressed KF - her thoughts, instead of being in the past or present as they had been, now tended to dwell in the future - she even seemed to start looking forward to those strange, jagged, twisting torture sessions. Oddly, these seemed not to harm her in any permanent way - in fact, she seemed to grow stronger and calmer and wiser the more they happened.
One day, during one of their dark, warm conversation times, HK grew thoughtful, and asked KF, "Have you thought anymore about what might be your purpose, your meaning?"
"I have," replied KF, to a slightly surprised HK "and oddly, in a strange way, I think it has something to do with you and your purpose."
"How so, Keychain Frog?" asked HK.
"Don't get me wrong, House Key - I don't know that my purpose is as grand or profound as yours. Listening to you talk about it all this time, I can tell you're onto something really good and important. But now I'm convinced there's some reason we got fused together - it wasn't just so I could follow you around and watch you go through your pain."
"I think you're right about that, Keychain Frog, but don't sell yourself short. Even as you 'follow me around', you're participating somehow in that great dance that I believe gives meaning to both of us. And something tells me that I couldn't do my part without you there."
Then it happened.
KF and HK were lounging in their dark warm place when suddenly they felt a tugging, but it was different than the normal feeling when the giant creature pulled them out. It was more a slow, jerky sliding motion, and whoops! Out they fell, to another dark place, but it wasn't warm here. Both were a little scared, as this had never happened to them before.
All the more scary was the fact that the giant creature was nowhere to be seen. Strangely, they'd come to rely on this creature and its habits.
Time in this place waxed very long, but KF and HK occupied themselves, as usual with stories and philosophical discourse. Much of that discourse centered on KF finding his own purpose and meaning (while helping HK try to elucidate her own - a daunting task!)
Then they both saw a bright light entering their dark place, and they recognized the familiar voice of their giant master. "Where is that frog! Find the frog! - it's the only way we'll find the key!" "I found the frog, daddy!" piped a smaller, higher voice. "Good for you honey! Is the key still attached to it?" "Yes, daddy, what a pretty key, and a pretty frog too!"
And so KF and HK were returned to their warm, dark place, and from that moment on, KF no longer wondered if he had a purpose and meaning in his life. He'd seen and heard that these big creatures valued him as a helper for finding their prized key (who KF now prized even more).
Still not knowing the ultimate reason for it all, and wisely realizing that they may never know for sure, KF and HK continued on, as best friends, serving their master as best they could, with confidence and pride in knowing they both had a real purpose and meaning.